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Sulfur Products we sell to maximize your crops yield potential

We sell many types of sulfur products in our customer's fertilizer programs.  Sulfur is an essential nutrient for plant growth and development, especially for crops that produce protein-rich seeds, such as corn, soybeans, alfalfa, and wheat. Sulfur is involved in the synthesis of amino acids, enzymes, and vitamins that regulate various metabolic processes in plants. Sulfur also helps plants to cope with stress conditions, such as drought, salinity, and diseases.  Available sulfur in your soil directly affects the uptake of nitrogen.

90% Elemental Sulfur
90% Elemental Sulfur

Keg River - 90% Sulfur

Keg River 90% elemental sulfur is a high quality slow release sulfur.  When the thiobacillus bacteria in your soil feeds on the sulfur prill it breaks it down and converts it to sulfuric acid.  This sulfuric acid in the soil converts elements in your soil into sulfate plant available products.  We really like its ability to create calcium sulfate in your soil for your plants to consume.  We also see a synergistic effect when Keg 90S is applied in a blend with our Soil Biotics Soil Boost GR 70% humic acid.

Poly Sulphate

Polysulphate - 0-0-11 3%Mg 12%Ca 19%S

Polysulphate is a soluble, easily absorbed, low chloride fertilizer that provides plant available K, Mg, S, Ca.  This product has great crop safety and an immediate plant growth response.

90% Elemental Sulfur
Ammonium Sulfate

Ammonium Sulfate
20-0-0 24%S

Ammonium sulfate is typically a white granular fertilizer that is a good source of nitrogen and sulfur.  It is immediately plant available, but it will leach in the soil.

Ammonium Thiosulfate
12-0-0 26%S

Ammonium thiosulfate is a liquid water-soluble fertilizer that provides immediately plant availability, but it will leach in the soil.

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