Biological Products
We only offer biological products that we have used on our farms first. We test these products first on our farms to prove they can provide the value they claim before recommending them to be used on your farm.
Soil Biotics "DegradeR"
Soil Biotics DegradeR product is a crop residue and applied manure digester. This product will increase residue breakdown and release for your next crop.
Rosen's "Trizon ST"
Trizon ST has soybean's plant hormones in the optimum ratio to maximize rapid seed emergence in challenging conditions.
Helena Chemical "Zypro"
Zypro delivers protected, consistent enzymes into the soil to maximize fertility programs by utilizing Helena's patented Versashield formulation technology. These enzymes are required for the microbial community to function. Click on the Zypro logo to learn more about this new product.